Himss- About my role

My role at Himss was to help provide conference materials leading up to and during their conference. Promoting their yearly conference was a big task to such a small team and they would often take on freelancers to assist with this ask. I worked on a small team of just one other individual and was often brainstorming on my own.

This position involved coding emails from scratch as well as providing print assets to the printer. The challenging part of this role was getting emails to render properly across all browsers and email clients. A decent amount of troubleshooting was done on a daily basis to get all emails to render successfully once sent.

New Years Eve Email

This email campaign was deployed on New Years Day and was one of the last big pushes to get subscribers to register for the conference. I designed, coded and deployed this email myself. I was provided copy and an overall style guide to maintain. The original copy I was given did not include plans for the four icons. After reviewing the material, I decided I wanted to jazz it up a bit with adding some icon imagery.

I wanted to highlight the shows without making them the focus. For the overall campaign I would begin with a sketch and move straight into code from there. Once all the necessary copy was coded I would begin styling with CSS. I would then test the email with Litmus and make sure everything was rendering properly. After sending it out for a review with my team, I would schedule it to deploy in Marketo and track the results from there.

Additional Projects

Headlines Email

Passport Flyer




